To all parties engaging with Cave

Seeking to meet the expectations of all parties who support our work, Cave pursues a spirit of hospitality, with each and every employee complying with applicable laws and regulations and pursuing sound business activities.

Relationships with users

We pledge to continuously improve our conduct and pursue a spirit of mutual co-prosperity with society by providing information, ensuring correct and accurate understanding of contracts and agreements, and performing our obligations with alacrity, and continue developing, refining, and giving guidance on new service development while complying with applicable legislation.

Relationships with business partners

  • We engage in sales and trading in a manner that is fair and compliant with law.
  • We do not accept private contributions of money or goods from our business partners.
  • Excluding where making comparisons based on accurate information, we do not criticize other companies in our space, nor their sales methods or services.

Relationships with shareholders

  • Stable growth in the medium and long term, and continuous return of profits to shareholders, is at the basis of our management approach.
  • In order to meet the expectations and trust placed in us by shareholders, we advocate sound management and increase our corporate value.
  • We disclose accurate management information in a timely manner by law and per the disclosure rules of applicable stock exchanges.
  • We do not provide any benefits, advantages, or interests to shareholders such that they would be persuaded to exercise their rights in the interest of our company.

Relationships with society

  • We never contribute money or goods to government agencies, public organs (and their employees), politicians, and political organizations in a manner that would contravene laws and regulations and sound business practices.
  • We do not have any relationship with antisocial forces or groups that threaten the order and safety of civil life. We take a resolute stand against such pressure and seek to eradicate it.

Our role as Cave members

  • We protect the rights of each individual and build a positive working environment that is safety- and health-conscious.
  • We never engage in any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying.
  • The spirit of hospitality we aim to achieve is one born from a positive, healthy, and energetic workplace.
  • We must never inadvertently leak internal information outside the company.
  • File exchange software must not be installed on computers used for business purposes.
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