Core approach to corporate governance
Our core approach to corporate governance is as follows. We aim to create functionality for agile decision-making and execution of work such that we achieve strategic and agile management and maintain and enhance our competitiveness in the midst of rapidly evolving structural changes in society. In addition, we shore up our internal control systems, promote timely and accurate disclosure of information, and improve our risk management, and in so doing ensure sound and transparent management of the company.
Through our business activities, we aim to enhance our corporate value in an ongoing fashion and ramp up corporate governance in order to meet the expectations of all of our stakeholders. We consider this the most critical aspect of management of the company.
Corporate governance system
We maintain an audit and supervisory committee at our company, with the committee consisting of three auditors. This includes two external auditors, who audit and oversee the execution of work by company directors from a fair and objective stance.
As a general rule, meetings of the board of directors are held once a month as a venue for rendering decisions on key management matters. Extraordinary meetings may be held as necessary, with auditing of business carried out as a result. Based on the core understanding that the board of directors serves to make decisions aimed at maximizing shareholder interests and corporate value, all important matters are discussed therein, with additional discussion on the progress of business outcomes, and measures to respond to these issues taken with alacrity.
In addition, “business promotion meetings” are convened weekly with the participation of directors and audit and supervisory committee members as a venue for the management and reporting of performance on business operations. Departmental meetings are also convened weekly with the participation of managers in order to communicate and report on the status of execution of work per the agreed-upon strategy, and to share information on a practical level. In this way, we maintain an organizational structure that allows us to maximize the impact of these organic efforts and activities.
We have concluded an agreement with EY Japan for accounting audit services. As necessary, we obtain legal counsel on a range of legal issues from a law office with which we have concluded an advisory agreement.
We have adopted this system out of our belief that it allows for monitoring management through auditors and internal control (described later) towards proper corporate governance.